Labour exploitation of Bulgarian migrants in Europe: coping mechanisms / Wyzysk bułgarskich migrantów w Europie: mechanizmy radzenia sobie

Journal Title: Przegląd Socjologiczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


Labour exploitation and its extreme forms, such as forced labour and trafficking of human beings, are not new phenomena. They are also present throughout Central and Eastern Europe and Bulgaria in particular. This article explores the mechanisms used by workers to overcome these challenges on the labour market. The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with low-skilled Bulgarian migrants in EU countries. Strong social networks used during the first migration action are considered as a mechanism which mitigates the risks of exploitation.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Velizarova, Vassil Kirov


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  • EP ID EP418415
  • DOI 10.26485/PS/2018/67.3/3
  • Views 89
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How To Cite

Maria Velizarova, Vassil Kirov (2018). Labour exploitation of Bulgarian migrants in Europe: coping mechanisms / Wyzysk bułgarskich migrantów w Europie: mechanizmy radzenia sobie. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 0(3), 63-84.