Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest: A Justice and Human Rights Perspective (Land Acquisition Study for Bali Cultural Center Development in Klungkung Regency, Bali)
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 06
This study examines the implementation of land acquisition for development for public interest from the perspective of justice and human rights. The phenomenon that occurs in the community in land acquisition carried out by the Government in taking community land has not fully provided a sense of justice and respect for the rights owned by the community. Therefore, it will be studied and analyzed related to the acquisition of land at the Bali Cultural Center in Klungkung. This research will use empirical legal research, because there is potential in land acquisition in the community is not fully in accordance with procedural and existing laws and regulations. Thus, this study found that in the implementation of land acquisition, the principles that exist in land acquisition such as the principle of justice and respect for community rights. Related to the provision of compensation has not been in accordance with the sense of justice for land rights holders and respect for the rights that must be given to the community has not been accommodated.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya, SH. M. Hum. , Dr. Ni Made Jaya Senastri, SH. MH. , Dr. Ni Komang Arini Styawati, SH. MH.
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