Land properties of meshchanie on the territory of Belarus (1860s – beginning of ХХ century)


Peculiarities of land properties of «meshchanie» on the territory of Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces from 1860s until the beginning of the XX century are analyzed on the basis of studies of legal and statistical sources. Land legislation of the Russian Empire as well as basic rights of «meshchanie» and their peculiarities in Belarusian-Lithuanian provinces depending on their confession are studied. Quantity of landlords among «meshchanie» is calculated as well as areas of their lands, percentage of this population category and their assets in the total structure of land ownership in the region. The main conclusion is that an important characteristic of «meshchanie’s» land assets is the trend of growth of their land assets as well as concentration of a large part of large and medium-sized land assets.

Authors and Affiliations

Ксения Сергеевна Терешкова


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Ксения Сергеевна Терешкова (2017). Land properties of meshchanie on the territory of Belarus (1860s – beginning of ХХ century). Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История, 0(2), 48-53.