Lateral Differentiation of Level of Ability to Maintain Static Balance of Persons Aged 16–19 Depending on the Various Visual Information

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 17, Issue 41


Introduction. The ability to maintain balance is one of the crucially important components of the movement performance of a human being. It occupies a leading position among co-ordination abilities. The ability was the subject of numerous research works of many authors, however only a small part of them focused on investigating its level in the changeable conditions and lateral differentiation. Hence, the aim of the research was to: 1. Define the level of the ability to maintain static balance in changeable conditions. 2. Search for the lateral differentiation of the level of the ability depending on the various visual information.Material and methods. The research involved 52 male subjects aged 16–19. In order to assess the level of the ability to maintain balance the posturographic method was applied. The tested individuals performed 3 tasks on a posture-graph in a standing position with eyes opened, closed and in conditions of a feedback. Each of the tasks lasted 32s.Results. The most significant changes in the stability of the of the body position in a longer time span, produced the switch off of the visual control. This indicates a considerable deterioration in the precision of the functioning of the central nervous system when one of the main senses is excluded, which was exhibited by the lowering of the level of spatial orientation and a less accurate differentiation of movements. This affected the lowering of the level of the ability to maintain static balance. A similar tendency was observed by other authors.Those tested more frequently deflected the General Centre of Body Weight (OSC) in the positions: „ forward-left” and „backward-right.” It is possible that the asymmetrical loading of the foot along the diagonal figure, whose edges are formed by the external parts of both feet, is typical for a human being. The biggest asymmetry was observed when executing the task with closed eyes. A considerably small asymmetry in the body position was revealed in the task with the „feedback”. It is most likely that those tested, when observing the dislocation of the centre of gravity of their body on the monitor, had more possibilities to correct its position, that is, to place it in the central part of the screen .Conclusions: (1) Changes in the conditions in which measurements of the level of the ability to maintain static balance, that is, without eye control and during „feedback” were taken, considerably lowered the results. (2) Smaller deflections of the OSC were recorded in the frontal plane rather than sagittal plane. (3) The lowest level of the ability to maintain static balance was observed when performing the task with eyes closed. (4) The asymmetry of the ability to maintain static balance was exhibited in the diagonal displacement of the OSC in relation to the longitudinal axis of their body, which resulted in putting more load on the front part of the left foot or on the back part of the right foot by those who were tested.

Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Starosta , Tadeusz Rynkiewicz


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How To Cite

Włodzimierz Starosta, Tadeusz Rynkiewicz (2008). Lateral Differentiation of Level of Ability to Maintain Static Balance of Persons Aged 16–19 Depending on the Various Visual Information. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(41), 43-48.