Le Grand Tour du dernier élu de Pologne. Chez Madame Geoffrin (1753–1754

Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2012, Vol 6, Issue


The Grand Tour of Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski has so far been an integral element in all biographies devoted to the last king of thePolish-LithuanianCommonwealth. However, without no attention has been paid to the visit of the young Polish nobleman in the salon of the famed Madame Geoffrin, the best known French friend and confidante of the king. The well-known memoirs of the ruler and the relatively unknown correspondence between young Poniatowski and a friend, August Sułkowski, which has survived until today in the collection of the Library of Dukes Czartoryski in Cracow, offers an insight into the impressions and reflections that the future king had during the period of his youth spent in Paris. The travel acrossWestern Europe, which was the custom among young noblemen, had also been a part of Poniatowski’s experience. His parents sent him on his bachelor tour to the neighbouring German countries, and then on to theNetherlands,Franceand eventuallyEngland. The observations made by the young Poniatowski during that time exerted a substanstial impact on the future king’s view of the world. In particular, comparing the affluent and prosperous Western states with the deteriorated and backward Commonwealth left a mark to which the memoirs bear a testimony even today. The rich and well-developed commerce ofAmsterdamor the imposing political culture of the Brits made a gerat impression on the young traveller. Nevertheless, it was the sejour inFrance, under the roof of a former friend of castellan Poniatowski, that proved most influential with regard to his tastes and interests. The acquaintance with the renown Madame Geoffrin, who hosted a greatly successful literary salon in the street of Saint-Honoré inParisenabled the young Pole to enter the world of French elites and learn about the mechanism which governed the French literary republic. In his correspondence with August Sułkowski, Poniatowski would describe his first impressions from the French capital, his first successes and failures as well as general remarks on the life of the French elite or the court in Versailles. His stay had also registered positively in the memories of the people he met, who remembered him in a most favourable manner. The Parisperiod in the life of Stanisław August gave him the lasting friendship with Madame Geoffrin, who remained king’s confidante until her death in 1777.

Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Bajer


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Jakub Bajer (2012). Le Grand Tour du dernier élu de Pologne. Chez Madame Geoffrin (1753–1754. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 6(), 241-260. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-168944