Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2013, Vol 8, Issue


The topic of this paper is the adaptation of the West-European devotional literature to the needs of the Polish-Lithuanian society in the 18th century. The analysis focuses on the works of the Lithuanian Jesuit Jan Poszakowski, whose cultural interests and career were deeply affected through long lasting contacts with the Radziwiłł family. While presenting the later works of Jan Poszakowski, the author of the paper compares them to the original models on the one hand, and analyses the aims and the expectations expressed by the Jesuit in the letters to his patron Józef Stanisław Sapieha on the other. It is shown how Poszakowski tried to address an audience composed of members of different social backgrounds. This was made possible by the choice of Polish as writing language as well as through the addition of contents corresponding to the local forms of behaviour and religious mentality.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrea Mariani


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How To Cite

Andrea Mariani (2013). LE STRATEGIE EDITORIALI DI JAN POSZAKOWSKI S.I. (1684–1757). UN CONTRIBUTO ALLA STORIA DELLA LETTERATURA RELIGIOSA DEL TARDO BAROCCO. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 8(), 207-238. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-169061