Leaf Epidermal Anatomy in Five Varieties of Capsicum annuum L. Solanaceae

Journal Title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 4


Leaf epidermal micro morphological features were studied in five verities of Capsicum annum L. both quantitatively and qualitatively to evaluate the reliability of these characters for taxonomic consideration. These varieties are difficult to be recognized by using their dry samples. Varieties studied include var. abbreviatum, var. annuum, var. accuminatum, var. grossum and var. glabriusculum. Two types of stomata (anisocytic and tetracytic) were identified in all five varieties and the leaves were amphistomatic. There was high frequency of anisocytic stomata (66.67 – 95.24%) on both surfaces compared to tetracytic stomata (4.76 – 33.33%). Trichomes were absent on both leaf surfaces of variety grossum and var. abbreviatum; it was present on both surfaces of variety accuminatum while it was epitrichomatic and hypotrichomatic on varieties glabriusculum and annuum respectively. The shapes of the epidermal cells of the upper and lower surfaces were irregular and undulate in all five varieties. These features were found to be of good and reliable taxonomic use for delimiting the five varieties of C. annuum.

Authors and Affiliations

D. A. Zhigila, F. B. J. Sawa, T. A. Aluko, F. A. Oladele, A. A. Abdul Rahaman


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  • EP ID EP353902
  • DOI 10.9734/AJEA/2015/12825
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How To Cite

D. A. Zhigila, F. B. J. Sawa, T. A. Aluko, F. A. Oladele, A. A. Abdul Rahaman (2015). Leaf Epidermal Anatomy in Five Varieties of Capsicum annuum L. Solanaceae. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 5(4), 392-399. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-353902