Leg strength improvement in elderly fallers and non fallers after eigth week of isokinetic strengthening

Journal Title: Biology of Exercise - Year 2012, Vol 8, Issue 1


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of an eight week strengthening program in an isokinetic dynamometer, in the knee joint muscles of healthy elderly people, with and with out a history of falls. In the study participated 59 elderly men and women all in good health aged 60 years and over. The elderly were assessed in five concentric, two eccentric speeds (60°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 240° and 60°, 120°/sec respectively) and in four angular positions (75°, 60°, 45°, 30° of knee flexion, 0° = full extension) in an Cybex Norm® isokinetic dynamometer. The experimental group of the study followed a strengthening program for quadriceps and hamstring muscles in the isokinetic dynamometer for eight weeks, in five concentric speeds. The results of the study indicated statistically significant differences (p , .05) in strength and power between initial and final assessment in the experimental group. The results indicated also statistically significant differences (p , .05) in strength and power between fallers and non - fallers of the experimental group in the initial assessment. These differences were diminished after the intervention period with fallers achieving statistically significant improvement (p , .05). The results of the study provide evidence that an eight week isokinetic strengthening program of lower extremities in elderly people is very efficient in fall prevention.

Authors and Affiliations

SEMALTIANOU ELENI| Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Serres, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, KABITSIS CHRIS| Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Serres, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, HARAHOUSOU YVONNE| Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Komotini, University of Thrace, Greece, LAZOU VARVARA| Institute of Chronic Diseases – Rehabilitation Centre of Western Athens, Greece


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  • EP ID EP15834
  • DOI http:doi.org/10.4127/jbe.2012.0055
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How To Cite

SEMALTIANOU ELENI, KABITSIS CHRIS, HARAHOUSOU YVONNE, LAZOU VARVARA (2012). Leg strength improvement in elderly fallers and non fallers after eigth week of isokinetic strengthening. Biology of Exercise, 8(1), 57-80. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-15834