Legal Conditions for the Implementation of the "Silencing Weapons by 2020" Program of the African Union Agenda for the Period Up to 2063

Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 07


Silencing weapons by 2020 is an ambitious project of the African Union contained in the ‘Agenda 2063 the Africa we want’. According to aspiration 4 (32) of that Agenda, the achievement of that project requires that mechanisms for peaceful prevention and resolution of conflicts should be functional at all levels. Therefore, that article doesn’t name those mechanisms. In the first aspect of his reflection, the author analyzes those mechanisms as being the peace and security architecture, which is the main mechanism designed to prevent and manage conflicts in Africa, as well as to strengthen peace and to which the African Union (AU) adhered, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as well as Regional mechanisms (RM); and the African Union Court of Justice and Human Rights, which is a merger of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) and the Court of Justice of the African Union(CJAU) and is the primary judicial agency of the African Union and the first regional court with international criminal jurisdiction. Further in his analysis, the author explains that the failure to meet the silence the guns by 2020 program and the postponement until 2030 has been a consequence of the non-achievement of the mechanisms mentioned in aspiration 4(32). The author ends up his analysis on the conclusion according to which if those mechanisms are not put in place there is a high risk that the second deadline scheduled for 2030, will also not be met. He therefore calls for the complete implementation of the ASP and for the ratification of the CJDHUA Treaty. If this is not possible, to demonstrate realism by setting the deadline for silence the guns in a period after the implementation of the mechanisms provided for in aspiration 4 of Agenda 2063.

Authors and Affiliations

Mboh Ngoma Alain Pierre Loic, Nga Etjeke Daniele


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  • EP ID EP740204
  • DOI 10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-30
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How To Cite

Mboh Ngoma Alain Pierre Loic, Nga Etjeke Daniele (2024). Legal Conditions for the Implementation of the "Silencing Weapons by 2020" Program of the African Union Agenda for the Period Up to 2063. International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 7(07), -.