Legal measures to counteract smuggling and violations of customs rules on transport: the modern state
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 4
The article is devoted to the research of modern issues of organizational and legal means of combating smuggling and violation of customs rules in transport. Within this article the peculiarities of legal regulation of organizational and legal means of combating smuggling and violation of customs rules in different modes of transport were investigated. In this regard, it should be pointed out that each of these modes of transport requires specific organizational and legal remedies in relation to the individual properties of a particular mode of transport, in order to properly counteract smuggling and breach of customs rules. The legal framework, which implements the legal regulation of organizational and legal means of combating smuggling and violation of customs rules are analyzed in the article. Attention is drawn to the fact that road transport is most often used for smuggling. The second half of the article explores the current issues of organizational and legal means of combating smuggling and violation of customs rules. Doctrinal studies of scientists on the issues of organizational legal means of combating smuggling and violation of customs rules in transport are considered. It is stated that our country needs to go over the international experience in improving the material and technical base of customs and law enforcement agencies, which prevent the commission of smuggling and violation of customs rules in transport. The necessity of intensification of normative-making activity on creation of normative-legal acts that would improve coordination and cooperation of customs and law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine is pointed out. It is proposed to amend the current legislation to strengthen the responsibility for committing smuggling.
Authors and Affiliations
Владислав Допилко, Vladyslav Dopilko, Роман Явдощук, Roman Yavdoschuk
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