Organization and legal securing of shipment goods/cargoes by sea transport and significanсe the provider of logistics in the process of international transportation

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 4


At the present time, maritime transport provides 4/5 of the total volume of cargo in the world. Cargoes transportation by sea is a risky business so on the one hand carriers have always sought to limit their liability as much as possible. On the other hand, shippers have contractual obligations to their customers and also seek to reduce the risk of loss or damage to the goods transported. Thus, the detailed regulation of organizational and legal provision is necessary, because due to the large number of participants in these legal relations we are faced with different laws and different organizational systems. In international transportation by sea ranked one of the leading places. It is characterized by the transportation of large volumes of cargoes at long distances. The nomenclature of goods transported by sea is quite diverse, ranging from raw exportation, primarily oil and petroleum products, and ending with industrial goods and equipment. There are components of maritime transport which carries out the shipment of goods / cargoes, such as maritime transport enterprises, ports and marinas, ships, ship repair yards, sea routes and other enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of ownership, which ensure the operation of maritime transport. The construction of sea vessels, their various types, conditions of operation, depending in part on weather and seasonal factors, technology of service vessels and the implementation of loading and unloading activities have led to the corresponding organizational and legal forms of international maritime transport. Summarizing the research of organizational and legal support for shipment of goods / cargoes by sea and the importance of logistics providers in the process of international transportation, we can say that the legal regulation of this issue is very wide. There are a number of regulations, as in the Ukrainian legislation: the Civil Code, the Commercial Code, the Code of Merchant Shipping, as well as many special acts. In view of the above arguments, the contract of carriage of goods can be considered an agreement in favor of a third person only in a certain sense, under certain circumstances. It is quite possible that the shipper at the same time is the recipient of the same cargo. We also defined the role of logistics providers in maritime international transport, which is to provide a range of services for the rapid design and maintenance of the movement of goods / cargo from the seller to the buyer of goods / loads.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleg Lohinov, Nataliia Prikhodko, Олег Логинов, Наталья Приходько, Наталія Приходько


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  • EP ID EP391662
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.4.2018.5
  • Views 99
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How To Cite

Oleg Lohinov, Nataliia Prikhodko, Олег Логинов, Наталья Приходько, Наталія Приходько (2018). Organization and legal securing of shipment goods/cargoes by sea transport and significanсe the provider of logistics in the process of international transportation. Lex portus, 12(4), 67-79.