On the issue of restitution of Ukraine’s rights as a coastal state in the Black sea and the Sea of Azov

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4


The article deals with the specific legal regime and determining the limits of the temporary occupied territory of Ukraine in its maritime spaces – for the internal waters, internal historic waters and territorial sea as well as for such legal regime implementing for the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Ukraine. Authors specified on the duty to take the urgent legal and organizational measures for the improvement of such regime to counter the escalation of the continuous Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Борис Бабин, Эдуард Плешко, Borys Babin, Eduard Pleshko, Едуард Плешко


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How To Cite

Борис Бабин, Эдуард Плешко, Borys Babin, Eduard Pleshko, Едуард Плешко (2017). On the issue of restitution of Ukraine’s rights as a coastal state in the Black sea and the Sea of Azov. Lex portus, 6(4), 22-30. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-248551