Legislation in the Czech Republic in 2014 – a quantitative overview
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 2
This study aims at presenting the results of a basic statistical description and initial analysis of the legislation in the Czech Republic in 2014. It offers a fundamental quantitative description of the composition of Czech legislation, particularly its formal typology and structure, including the sector structure and the information about fundamental changes in this structure as they occurred in 2014.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
František Novák
[b][i]Equal Treatment in Employment – in Wages and Seniority[/i][/b]
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Jerzy Stelmach, czyli dwadzieścia pięć chwytów erystycznych stosowanych z powodzeniem w polityce, dyskursie prawniczym, biznesie i w życiu rodzinnym
Jerzy Stelmach, Sztuka manipulacji, Warszawa 2018<br/><br/>
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