Legislative and Non Legislative Verbal Sunnah: An Analytic Study


Verbal Sunnah (Al-Sunnah Al-Qawliyyah) is defined as the sayings of the Prophet PBUH through which he recommended the laying down of the law or the explanation of Quranic rulings. Scholars say that not every saying of the Prophet PBUH is a source of Islamic Law. To become a source of law, the purpose of the saying should be the ordaining of the law or its explanation. Therefore, A difference is usually, made between non-legislative Sunnah and legislative Sunnah. The former refers to Prophet Muhammad’s acts in person, specific to him or not binding on his followers while the latter describes the rules and principles of Sharia that the Prophet laid down in his capacity as a Messenger of God, as the head of state, or as an Judge.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Zubair, Dr. Hafiz Hussain Azhar


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How To Cite

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Zubair, Dr. Hafiz Hussain Azhar (2015). Legislative and Non Legislative Verbal Sunnah: An Analytic Study. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية, 33(33), 5-15. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-487372