
У статті розглянуто віршові форми з регулярною внутрішньою римою в драматичних текстах ХVІІІ ст. З’ясовано їх метрико-ритмічні особливості та функціональну роль в поліметричній структурі шкільної драми. Результати дослідження увиразнюють розуміння однієї з поширених форм силабічного вірша, заперечують хибну тезу про одноманітність і бідність української силабіки ХVІІІ ст. In the Ukrainian literary criticism, scientific stereotypes, which are inherent for domestic syllabic poetry of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, monotony and the poreness of forms, is simplified by treating the multi-component verse only as an equal component structure with constant pairs of female rhymes are still widespred. It is such an impression while reading large volumes of works written in 13- (at least 11-, 8-syllable verse, etc.), for example, the main parts of the same school dramas. However, such a stereotype has already disappeared because there is an appeal to many other genres. Eventually, school drama of the ХVІІІ centuries, as a rule, has the features of the polymetric text: despite the large volumes of pieces of text written in the 13-syllable verse with a pair rhymes, other fragments that have an excellent versioning structure are also highlighted here. One of the forms that is widely spread in the dramatic text of the eighteenth century is a verse with regular internal rhymes, often referred to as «leonine» or «leonines verse» in literary criticism. The subject of the study of the article is the structural features and functional role of those parts of the dramatic text that contain regular internal rhymes. The aim is to find out the rhythmic features and functions of leonine within the school program drama texts. The basic method of analysis is formal. A poetic form with regular internal rhymes (or leonine verse) was quite productive in the Ukrainian versification of the XVIII century. The main genres of its amplification are religious and philosophical and religious works (for example, a large part of the texts of the «Theologian», many «songs» by G. Skovoroda, etc.), some humorous works of the Baroque (for example, «The letter...» of I. Nekrashevich), as well as small parts in the texts of school drama. Often, the basic size in dramatic texts is the 137-syllable verse (much less often – 115-syllable). Relatively small volume fragments, written in other sizes, including various types of leonine verse, perform the function of a metric italic, noticeably highlighted against the background of large pieces of text written by the 137- (115-) syllable verse. Often such excerpts are additional means of individualizing the speech of actors, one of the markers of the song nature of the replica (choruses, cants, etc.), etc. Structurally, leonine verses are divided into two types: simple (the pre-censorial ending rhymes with the clause of the same line) and the complex (rhyme pre-censorial ending of neighboring lines or lines with internal rhymes alternate with strings containing only conclusive rhymes). The syllabic length of the lines with regular internal rhymes varies from 6 to 20 lines. In drama, lines with internal rhymes are graphically most often isolated in a special way, in 2 columns: the first semi-verse – in the left, the second – in front of it, in the right.

Authors and Affiliations

Valentyn Maltsev


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How To Cite

Valentyn Maltsev (2018). ЛЕОНІНСЬКИЙ ВІРШ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ШКІЛЬНІЙ ДРАМІ ХVІІІ СТОЛІТТЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(18), 82-90. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-486063