Dancing mania is a clinical and cultural phenomenon which occurred in Western Europe
between 13th and 18th centuries. The term dancing mania is derived from the Greek words
choros, a dance, and mania, a madnes...
Despite rapid development of research on social cognition (SC) impairments in schizophrenia, efforts are still made to generate new, broader theoretical models which include the neural network approach to those dysfuncti...
Dancing manias. Between culture and medicine
Summary Dancing mania is a clinical and cultural phenomenon which occurred in Western Europe between 13th and 18th centuries. The term dancing mania is derived from the Greek words choros, a dance, and mania, a madnes...
List do Redakcji. Czy pielęgniarka jest w stanie i powinna realizować niektóre formy psychoterapii?
bez streszczenia
Kwestionariusz Seksuologiczny – narzędzie do badań przesiewowych: założenia i trafność
Disintegration of social cognitive processes in schizophrenia
Despite rapid development of research on social cognition (SC) impairments in schizophrenia, efforts are still made to generate new, broader theoretical models which include the neural network approach to those dysfuncti...