Lietuvos upių ekologinio nuotėkio vertinimas

Journal Title: Energetika - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0


Reservoirs have a significant influence on the aquatic organisms of the regulated rivers, river runoff, reservoir banks, river channels, groundwater and landscape. Currently, the legislation regulates the fixed/constant environmental discharge, which satisfies only minimum needs of the aquatic ecosystem and does not depend on water abundance of the year. Such practice of the calculation of environmental discharge leaves for hydropower plant owners a possibility of hydropeaking. In this research some aspects of the exploitation of reservoirs of small and medium rivers in Lithuania were discussed, and it is suggested to use the term of ecological flow instead of environmental discharge for regulated rivers. The most important condition for the calculation of the ecological flow is the similarity of changes of reservoir levels with the natural regime of lakes as well as the similarity of discharges of regulated rivers with the runoff of natural rivers. The inflow of unexplored rivers to the reservoir and ecological flow were estimated based on the data of water gauging stations in each of the 15 river basins of Lithuania. Therefore, improvement of the equipment of hydroelectric turbines is proposed for a good ecological condition of the regulated rivers. This allows using river runoff during the drought period in order to avoid peak regime (hydropeaking).

Authors and Affiliations

Brunonas Gailiušis, Gintaras Adžgauskas, Aldona Tomkevičienė, Diana Meilutytė-Lukauskienė


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  • EP ID EP537343
  • DOI 10.6001/energetika.v64i4.3894
  • Views 43
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How To Cite

Brunonas Gailiušis, Gintaras Adžgauskas, Aldona Tomkevičienė, Diana Meilutytė-Lukauskienė (2018). Lietuvos upių ekologinio nuotėkio vertinimas. Energetika, 0(0), 196-205.