Life satisfaction and fettle of students of the University of the Third Age

Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2013, Vol 12, Issue 3


Introduction. Old age is of interest to many scientific disciplines because we live in an aging society. An important role is attributed to increasing life satisfaction with life in old age. Universities of the Third Age are created to provide a potential for an interesting way of spending leisure time and conditions for the development of the elderly. Aim. The study aims to assess the satisfaction with life and wellbeing of students of the University of the Third Age. Material and methods. The study was performed using a diagnostic survey and estimation method. The material was collected using an author’s questionnaire and standardized tools: Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larson and S.Griffin, adapted by by Z. Juczyński) and the Geriatric Depression Rating Scale (J.A. Yesavage, T.L. Brink, T.L. Rose, O. Lum, V. Huang, M. Adey, O. Leier). The study included 136 students of the University of the Third Age in Krakow from February to April 2012. Results. Students of the University of the Third Age have satisfaction with life on a high-to- average level. Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between the feeling of life satisfaction and satisfaction with children, marriage, health and living conditions. Residents of small towns showed the highest satisfaction with life. Mental health was normal in most subjects. Conclusions. Older people should be encouraged to participate in the activities of the University of the Third Age, cultivate close ties with family and take care of their health.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Majda, Karolina Walas, Katarzyna Gajda


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How To Cite

Anna Majda, Karolina Walas, Katarzyna Gajda (2013). Life satisfaction and fettle of students of the University of the Third Age. Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku, 12(3), 39-44.