Life span and outcomes in patients with malignant neoplasms commencing renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the years 2001-2015 – one-centre experience

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 10


Introduction. The growing availability of renal replacement therapy (RRT) may rise theincidence of malignant neoplasms at commencement of chronic dialysis. The prognosisfor such patients has not been studied extensively.Aim. To analyse the life span and outcomes of patients commencing RRT with a coexistingmalignant neoplasm. The secondary aim was to analyse the causes of death inthis population.Material and methods. The retrospective search of medical records from years 2001-2015at the Diaverum Dialysis Unit (former Non-Public Health Care Unit “Centre of Dialysis and Diagnostics”)at the Priest J. Popiełuszko Bielański Hospital in Warsaw.Results. Out of the 669 patients (F-270, M-399) who commenced chronic RRT (intentionto treat) during the 174 months analysed, 84 (12.5%) had malignant neoplasmtime- and/or cause-related to the RRT commencement. The outcomes were available in64 patients on HD at the end of observation (20 patients were lost to follow-up – 5 discontinuedHD, 5 partly recovered renal function, and 10 moved to another unit). Died 57 patientson the chronic haemodialysis therapy program (HD), 1 has been transplanted, and6 continued the treatment started 1-84 months earlier.Conclusions. Chronic haemodialysis should be initiated also in patients presentingwith neoplastic disease whenever the indications to that treatment exist. In these patientsthe life expectancy can be quite long.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Ostrowski, Dorota Daniewska, Ryszard Gellert


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  • EP ID EP77355
  • DOI 10.5604/08606196.1189839
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How To Cite

Grzegorz Ostrowski, Dorota Daniewska, Ryszard Gellert (2015). Life span and outcomes in patients with malignant neoplasms commencing renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the years 2001-2015 – one-centre experience . Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 28(10), 710-714.