Limitations in cardiovascular fitness and rehabilitation of oncologically treated patients

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2012, Vol 16, Issue 1


Introduction: Applying increasingly modern forms of cancer treatment contributes to the higher survival of patients with neoplasm. Nevertheless, every single element of such a treatment, no matter how effective, brings some risk of cardiovascular complications.Objective: The study objective was a review of the clinical research analyzing cardiovascular complications resulting from various forms of oncological treatment and the use of rehabilitation in these patients.Material: The study presents contemporary forms of cancer treatment which may cause negative cardiovascular symptoms.Results: Due to their negative influence on the cardiovascular system oncological drugs can be divided into those: causing heart muscle mass loss, arrhythmia, with a cardio depressive effect, hypertension, heart ischemia as well as those enhancing thrombo-embolic disorders. The cardiotoxicity of oncological treatment is very frequent in patients after combination therapy (using chemotherapy or/and radiotherapy) or with coexisting heart disease. According to the heart failure classification every patient after chemotherapy or/and radiotherapy has a higher risk of its development. Thus it is important to know the type of treatment, its dosages, the time from initiation to the treatment completion, so that the rehabilitation program for this group of patients based on exercise is applied through correct medically supervised physical activities.Conclusions: The oncological benefit of therapy is much higher than the possible cardiological risk but, keeping the patient’s wellbeing in mind, an optimal cardiac diagnostic is necessary so as rehabilitation is based on individual cardiac fitness. In patients with cancer, special attention should be paid to the assessment of the cardio-respiratory endurance rates before rehabilitation and the choice of physical activity, sporting discipline made for this group of patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Hojan


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Hojan (2012). Limitations in cardiovascular fitness and rehabilitation of oncologically treated patients. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 16(1), 19-25.