Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 16
У межах пропонованої статті зосереджуємо увагу на осмисленні проблеми формування мовної особистості в іншомовному середовищі, становленні культурної ідентифікації особистості й адаптації в умовах сучасного полікультурного суспільства, вихованні культури толерантних взаємовідносин. Звертаємо увагу читачів до лінгвістичного потенціалу процесу формування мовної особистості в умовах міжетнічного культурного спілкування. У статті проаналізовані жанрова палітра, рубрики і стилістика журналу «Deutsch Perfekt». The article overviews the perspective of linguistic personality problem formation in foreign and native linguistics. It also accounts the basic approaches to the description of linguistic personality. The article develops linguistic and linguadidactic approaches to the concepts of linguistic identity and secondary linguistic identity. The article considers the content and structure of the concept of "linguistic personality". The author describes the main problems of forming the linguistic personality such as the need for speech development, the improvement of the language (linguistic, psychological, social), mastering of situational forms of speech in the conditions of professional orientation of the study. Language education, and particularly personal aspects of speech culture, plays the most important role in forming the language personality. The task of formation of linguistic personality in the learning process requires a systemic approach to the organization of the educational environment, taking into account factors such as professional orientation of study, encouragement selfeducation, formation of social values, humanitarization of education, versatility of the educational environment, its creative direction. Relying on the secondary linguistic identity theory the author develops the idea of secondary linguistic identity model which is, as argued, built in the course of second foreign language acquisition, and the features of which are brought to light and discussed. The correlation of natural and socio- cultural determinants of personality growth is considered side by side with objective and subjective factors of language personality growth in history of European sociocultural environment development. The role and place of society, language, culture and literature are determined as as basic socio- cultural determinants in dialectics of transformation of properties of an individual into qualities of a language personality. On the basis of certain conceptual principles the structural-functional model of forming of modern language personality that displays intercommunications of motivation- aimed, purposeful, processing personal actions and controlled evaluation components in the integral structure of preparation of the language personality is built, that allows to shape a background of levels, criteria and indexes of personality development and readiness to speech activity.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktorija Zagorodnova
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