Recent studies have shed new light on the involvement of IgE in immune responses, they have shown that the
monomer IgE molecule has heterogeneous properties and diverse functions. IgE functions not only relate to an
Viral respiratory infections in the three first years of life are considered the most important risk factors for developing
asthma later in life. Viruses, with predominance of rhinoviruses and RSV, are associated with wh...
IgE can participate in many immune responses and exhibit diversified functions in chronic autoimmune diseases
as an autoreactive IgE that reacts with internal antigens. The list of internal antigens for IgE continues to...
Asthma related to cleaning products’ and disinfectants’ exposure has been recognized as a common problem several
years ago. Many cases of this type of occupational asthma have been identified in health care workers. The...
Heterogenne właściwości i zróżnicowane funkcje IgE w pokrzywce przewlekłej spontanicznej i innych schorzeniach z autoagresji
Recent studies have shed new light on the involvement of IgE in immune responses, they have shown that the monomer IgE molecule has heterogeneous properties and diverse functions. IgE functions not only relate to an imme...
List Przewodniczącego Rady Społecznej „Wspólnie dla zdrowia” przy Ministrze Zdrowia
Czynniki genetyczne podatności na infekcje wirusowe w astmie dziecięcej
Viral respiratory infections in the three first years of life are considered the most important risk factors for developing asthma later in life. Viruses, with predominance of rhinoviruses and RSV, are associated with wh...
Potencjalne możliwości immunoglobuliny E w kreowaniu reakcji autoimmunologicznych
IgE can participate in many immune responses and exhibit diversified functions in chronic autoimmune diseases as an autoreactive IgE that reacts with internal antigens. The list of internal antigens for IgE continues to...
Astma wywołana ekspozycją na środki czyszczące i odkażające
Asthma related to cleaning products’ and disinfectants’ exposure has been recognized as a common problem several years ago. Many cases of this type of occupational asthma have been identified in health care workers. The...