The article describes one of the types of the literary „mediation” - the mediator-story,
presented from the history of Polish-Georgian literary relations of XIX century. It is shown that
the stories of the Russian histor...
This article considers tagging methods for parallel Russian-Polish phrasemathic objects.
In particular, an opinion about the annotation tool brat given. This online tool offers a palette of possibilities for cla...
In 1920-1950, Soviet authorities used different strategies in response to Ukrainian folklore. On the one hand, they recognised folklore as the “voice of the people”, while stressing the importance of oral traditions in t...
К вопросу о „посредничестве” русской литературы в развитии польско-грузинских литературных связей
The article describes one of the types of the literary „mediation” - the mediator-story, presented from the history of Polish-Georgian literary relations of XIX century. It is shown that the stories of the Russian histor...
Prolegomena do tagоwania frazemów w równoległym korpusie rosyjsko-polskim (literatura piękna) w aspekcie przekładoznawczym
This article considers tagging methods for parallel Russian-Polish phrasemathic objects. In particular, an opinion about the annotation tool brat given. This online tool offers a palette of possibilities for cla...
Strategie władz wobec ustnej twórczości ludowej w okresie stalinowskim (na materiałach ukraińskich)
In 1920-1950, Soviet authorities used different strategies in response to Ukrainian folklore. On the one hand, they recognised folklore as the “voice of the people”, while stressing the importance of oral traditions in t...
Проблеми слов'янського культурного пограниччя на сторінках преси Галичини кінця XIX - початку XX століття
„Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie”, pod red. Haliny Twaranowicz, t. 7, Białystok 2007, ss. 427.