
У статті розглядаються результати багаторічних археологічних досліджень городища літописної Муравиці. Аналізується комплекс матеріалів доби міді і бронзи, пам’ятки ранніх слов’ян та літописної Муравиці періоду Київської Русі. Дається характеристика споруд, речових знахідок, уточнена хронологія поселення, проголошена нова точка зору щодо особливостей соціально-економічного і культурного розвитку населення фортеці у Х–ХІІ ст. The article discusses the results of years of archaeological research of ancient settlement of annalistic Moravec. Examines the complex materials of the epoch of copper and bronze age, monuments of the early Slavs and Moravec chronicle of Kievan Rus period. The characteristic structures, physical findings, refined the chronology of the settlement, proclaimed a new point of view on socio-economic and cultural development of the population of the fortress in X–XII art. In the XI–XII art. the city Morawica included the fortress, which consisted of the citadel (South site) and adjacent buildings (North area), and trades areas in Isopoda speeches of the right Bank of the Ikva river on the North and East of the fortress. According to the materials of archaeological research of the ancient times of the early Slavs with Morawitz related to three stages of development. First, rangelov Jansky – are materials and finds from the lower horizon of the middle of the cultural layer. The second and third answer of the deposits of the lower and upper horizons of the cultural layer of the middle. Date lower stage of early Slavic materials is determined by the time not later than the VIII century. Finds of stucco and early krugolina pots in the cultural layer suggest that this settlement existed in the IX century. The deposits of the lower horizon (second stage) dates back to the X–beginning of XI century, and the deposits of the upper horizon (third stage) – hee before. Paul. Article XII Material culture of the inhabitants of the city presents a wide range of moulded and krugallee ceramics, tools of agriculture and crafts, woodworking and other tools, universal tools, household items, weapons, gear rider and riding horse, decorative and applied art from non-ferrous metals, glass, bone, horn, stone. The complexes are fragments of amphorae of the Greek city of Northern black sea coast. Findings of X–XII CC Moravec illustrate most of the headings of the archaeological characteristics of the small city of Kievan Rus. However, in the middle of the XII century. it is in decline. The circumstances under which Moravica mentioned in the Chronicles, and archaeological data suggest that the fortress was destroyed in 1149 during the campaign of Yuri Dolgoruky in Volyn. From this period the main administrative and political centre in the middle reaches of the Ikva is the city Guben. Further research is unique in its composition of complex of monuments Muravitsky of the settlement will open a new page in the history and culture of the ancient population of the Western Volyn

Authors and Affiliations

Yuzef Nikolchenko, A. Golovko


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How To Cite

Yuzef Nikolchenko, A. Golovko (2016). ЛІТОПИСНА МУРАВИЦЯ В АРХЕОЛОГІЧНИХ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯХ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(15), 45-56. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426021