Location and Incidence Rate of Anastomotic Aneurysms – own Clinical Material and Literature Review

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Surgery - Year 2014, Vol 86, Issue 4


Anastomotic aneurysms occurs at various levels of arterial system. Determining their location and incidence rate required investigation of large patient clinical material. Material and methods. In the years 1989-2010 in local centre 230 anastomotic aneurysms were operated in 180 patients. Results. For 187 (81.3%) patients anastomotic aneurysms were localised in the groin, while for remaining 43 (18.7%) they occurred in other localisations. In aortic arch branch they occurred four times (1.7), in descending aorta – three times (1.3%), in abdominal aorta – 14 (6.1%) and in iliac arteries – 6 (2.6%). While for anastomosis with popliteal artery they were diagnosed in 16 (7%) patients. Own clinical material was compared with literature data. Conclusions. Anastomotic aneurysms in over 80% of cases occur in the groin, remaining percentage corresponds to other localisations.

Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Pogorzelski, Sadegh Toutounchi, Patryk Fiszer, Ewa Krajewska, Robert Tworus, Małgorzata M. Szostek, Wawrzyniec Jakuczun, Maciej Skórski


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  • EP ID EP74395
  • DOI 10.2478/pjs-2014-0033
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How To Cite

Ryszard Pogorzelski, Sadegh Toutounchi, Patryk Fiszer, Ewa Krajewska, Robert Tworus, Małgorzata M. Szostek, Wawrzyniec Jakuczun, Maciej Skórski (2014). Location and Incidence Rate of Anastomotic Aneurysms – own Clinical Material and Literature Review. Polish Journal of Surgery, 86(4), 181-188. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-74395