Logistic challenges of the international removals industry
Journal Title: Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 3
Transporting used household goods (HHGs) between different countries involves a great deal of specific processes before and after the actual transportation, which make the industry a specialty of its kind, with its own logistics challenges. Some challenges may look familiar to colleagues of other logistic areas, but most are very particular to this industry. Pronounced seasonal peaks, specific set of skills required, the nature of the goods being transported and the difficult access to them are some of the particular challenges. Tackling them individually is a reasonable task, the problem comes when, as it is the case, the challenges need to be confronted simultaneously. The requirement of specific skilled labor, for example, would not be critical if the business demand was steady throughout the year. Or the other way around, a high variance workload between peak and low seasons would not affect in such way if the job didn’t demand such specific and rare skills. Being one of the less known areas of Logistic Services, it worth having a look into some of the particular characteristics of the International Removals Industry and the challenges they create.
Authors and Affiliations
Hermes Jordan Rojas
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