Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 15
У статті розглянуті локальні процеси запровадження нових форм музейної діяльності в сучасній Україні. Аналізуючи чинники соціокультурних змін автори беруть до уваги південний регіон, де на матеріалі роботи одеських музеїв простежуються і визначаються основні тенденції «глокалізації» в культурному житті українців. The article describes the heterogeneous influence of globalization processes, mass culture, and contemporary art on the introduction of new forms of museum activity. The analysis of the processes taking place is presented on the example of the museums of the South of Ukraine. The study and introduction of museum interpretation of new identities within the framework of world globalization is shown. New forms of museum activity determine the creation of programs and projects that provide for independent study of the museum space, interactive compositions and the development of museum techniques aimed at overcoming passive-survey forms, and their implementation allows the visitor to choose the route of movement, to build their own associations. European and national museums actively interact with visitors and they are dedicated to the development and implementation of long-term cultural programs. The process of glocalisation transforms the model of a classic public museum and adapts it to the realities of Ukrainian culture. There is a change in the model of the museum and we can observe the dynamics of its functions in modern conditions on the materials of Odessa. The well-known European trends of new forms of museum activity, such as Night Museums and the Venice Biennale, not only reflect the world, but also actualize regional tendencies. With the development of society and its democratization significant adjustments are made in the modern conception of the museum, sometimes the opposite one of the image of the "temple of arts"; the museum is increasingly perceived as a place that is in continuous development. The information society expects the most informational and emotional influence from this socio-cultural institution. Standardizing the socio-cultural life, a person begins to pay more attention to ethno-cultural features and demonstrates the growth of national self-consciousness. For society and man, the need to form the attitude towards traditions, rethinking the old and assimilating new value systems remains crucial; that is very important for the transfer of cultural experience. The museum must meet social and individual needs, but it will not be able to perform the modern tasks that are set before it without the introduction and improvement of new forms of museum activity. Relying on new forms of work, regional museums fulfil the global demand of society for preserving cultural identity, interpreting the cultural heritage and gaining even greater socio-cultural significance in the modern world. Key words: art project, hub, glocalisation, museum activity
Authors and Affiliations
Руслана Василівна Ткаченко, Катерина Олексіївна Кулєшова
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