
У статті досліджується зміст та особливості використання філософської мови в українській проповіді XVII ст. на прикладі спадщини Антонія Радивиловського. Робиться висновок про можливість дослідження історії вітчизняної філософської мови на основі церковної проповіді. На рівні морального повчання, що підсилювалось філософськими міркуваннями, творилася своєрідна філософська мова, що стала «побічним продуктом» намагання проповідника-мораліста зробити свої повчання доступнішими для широкої аудиторії. The article studies the content and features of the use of philosophical terminology in the preaching heritage of Antoniy Radivilovskiy. The aim of the research is to consider the peculiarities of adaptation in the national and philosophical discourse as to Greek and Latin philosophical terminology in Antoniy Radivilovskiy’s preaching heritage. The research methods have been chosen according to the purpose of the article. They are the methods of hermeneutics and of rational reconstruction as well as the methods of historical and philosophical analysis in its synchronically and diachronically aspects. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the essence and the peculiarities of philosophical terminology in Antoniy Radivilovskiy’s preaching heritage are considered for the first time. The possibility of the national philosophical language history on the material church sermons is proved the research by the author. The essence and the meaning of philosophical terminology that was used by preachers at their lessons are researched and interpreted for the first time. The conclusions of the research successively implement the aim of the problem. It is shown that old Ukrainian philosophical terminology in the Baroque era was influenced by the classic “literary languages” languages (Latin, Greek, etc.) and actively interacted with theological and theology terminology, because the relationship of philosophy and religion during that period was fairly close. These circumstances are the evidence of immaturity or inferiority of contemporary Ukrainian philosophical tradition, as mentioned trends in full compliance with European intellectual processes. Indeed, according to contemporary academic and educational practice, classical languages were used as the main language of instruction of philosophical and theological disciplines and writing scientific papers and textbooks. As for the connection of philosophy and religion, for the European it is as characteristic as for the Ukrainian Baroque. It has been found out that the peculiarities of the philosophical terminology used in Baroque epoch have close ties with Latin and Greek traditions in teaching and organizing courses in philosophical disciplines. But “national” philosophical language assigned for the use by the public was formed on the basis of moral “lessons” that were strengthened with philosophical thoughts. This “popular” philosophical language became something like an accessory product of the Ukrainian church thinker of Baroque epoch who tried to implement their lessons into community. The essence that the preacher meant in any philosophical terms (substance, discourse, philosophy) or its translation mostly corresponds to its traditional definitions. So this philosophical language may be considered as a component of philosophical process in the Ukrainian religious culture of the Baroque epoch.

Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr SPIVAK


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Volodymyr SPIVAK (2017). МОВА ФІЛОСОФІЇ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ПРОПОВІДІ XVII СТ. НА ПРИКЛАДІ ТЕКСТІВ АНТОНІЯ РАДИВИЛОВСЬКОГО. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(13), 15-21. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433464