
У статті подано характеристику родинної обрядовості українського народу, проаналізовано теоретичні підходи до сутності понять «обряд» «традиції», «звичаї», «ритуал», визначаються засоби поширення українських родинних традицій. Автором проведено детальний аналіз наукових досліджень, присвячених українській родинній обрядовості. The article describes family rites of the Ukrainian people, analyzes the theoretical approaches to the essence of the concepts of the “rites”, “traditions”, “customs” and “rituals” and determines the means of spreading Ukrainian family traditions. The author carried out a detailed analysis of a scientific research of a Ukrainian family ritual. Ukraine is probably one of the European powers, which is rich in national rites and traditions, whose brightness and colourfulness affect the human imagination. Ritual actions accumulated in their beliefs and traditions not only Christianity, which includes the millennial history, but also a more ancient belief – paganism. Hundreds of peoples who came from all over the world and settled on the territory of Ukraine left their marks in the rites, traditions and rituals. Ukrainian family’s ritual was studied by historians, ethnologists, philosophers, musicologists, folklorists from different points of view. The use of seemingly unusual, nontraditional methods of study is sometimes capable of producing quite productive results. The aim of the article is to generalize theoretical approaches to Ukrainian family rituals, customs, traditions and rituals and analysis of scientific researches. Modern scholars in their writings indicate different approaches to a thorough reflection of the development of ceremonies, traditions, customs and rituals. Ritualism reveals the inner meaning of events by forming the corresponding feelings, views, sentiments under the influence of natural factors, pagan and Christian beliefs. The term “ritual” is often compared to the terms “tradition” or “custom”. But the concept of a “rite” is not appropriate to combine with the notion of a “custom”, which has a wider meaning. The ritual by A. Ponomarev is a collection of traditional conditional actions, which in figuratively symbolic form express the established connections of people with nature and among themselves; the set of rites related to the celebration of significant events, mainly of religious content, is a ritual; solemn celebration of significant events, which includes entertainment elements and some ceremonial actions, is a holiday.

Authors and Affiliations

А. Tkach


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How To Cite

А. Tkach (2017). РОДИННА ОБРЯДОВІСТЬ УКРАЇНЦІВ: СТАН ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(13), 103-110. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434336