Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) new from the Bieszczady and Beskid Niski Mts.
Journal Title: Roczniki Bieszczadzkie - Year 2013, Vol 21, Issue 1
In the present report we provide information on one new species from the Bieszczady Mountains and seven new species from the Beskid Niski Mountains. Among the identified species Macroleptura thoracica Creutzer, 1799 and Stenopterus rufus (Linnaeus, 1767), both very rare in Poland, deserve a special interest
The crested woodfern Dryopteris cristata in the Bieszczady Mts. – distribution and habitat conditions
In the Bieszczady National Park and its closest surroundings nine new localities of Dryopteris cristata were discovered. In the majority of cases the crested woodfern grew at the base of peat bog domes and on their edge...
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