The paper presents information regarding the system of water environment monitoring in the Tatra National Park. Work over its implementation began in 2003 and was resumed in 2009 with the "nancial support of the National...
Coeloglossum viride is a rare species occurring mainly in southern and north-eastern Poland. Majority of localities from SE Poland have not been confirmed nowadays.This paper announces a new record of the species from th...
Tomasz Durak (2010). Vegetation changes in “Góra Sobień” reserve in East Beskids. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 18(1),
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Materiały do znajomości pająków Araneae Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego
System of water balance monitoring in the Tatra National Park
The paper presents information regarding the system of water environment monitoring in the Tatra National Park. Work over its implementation began in 2003 and was resumed in 2009 with the "nancial support of the National...
Nowe i rzadkie gatunki chrząszczy Coleoptera wykazane z Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego i Bieszczadów w latach 2009–2011 oraz podsumowanie prac badawczych za okres ostatnich 10 lat
New locality of Coeloglossum viride var. viride in the Western Bieszczady Mts. (SE Poland)
Coeloglossum viride is a rare species occurring mainly in southern and north-eastern Poland. Majority of localities from SE Poland have not been confirmed nowadays.This paper announces a new record of the species from th...
Wstępne rozpoznanie okrzemek Bacillariophyceae Jeziorek Duszatyńskich (Bieszczady Zachodnie)