Los currículos universitarios en América Latina y su impacto en la formación profesional: Una revisión de la literatura
Journal Title: Mount Scopuys Journal - Year 2023, Vol 3, Issue 5
The idea of teacher education oriented to the Latin American model ensures that this approach is typical of most institutions offering teacher education and is based on the notion that teaching is a learning process. While much of the proposal refers to teacher education in the continent, much work has also been done on analysis, starting from models of reflective practice and focusing on the development of reflective educators. Several education reforms, implemented in Latin American countries between 2020-2022, took a significant step in the field of education as a main tool for social change, professional empowerment and inclusive teacher praxis. The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the role and importance of the collective in professional development. Evidence shows that if there is no progress in the professionalisation of teachers, there will be no progress in education in Latin American countries, even if a university degree is considered a specialisation. Projections of the problems in teacher education are likely to reflect not only the region, but all university systems globally
Authors and Affiliations
Mary Dorys Bellodas Hurtado, Mihuller Rushbeer Meza Ramos, Omar Túpac Amaru Castillo Paredes, Wilmer Huamani Palomino
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