„Lustro zwielokrotnione” grupy Dąb i Trzcina, czyli ilustracja dynamiczna jako sposób na adaptację literatury Jana Potockiego. Raport z projektu
Journal Title: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich - Year 2017, Vol 60, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Maja Starakiewicz, Piotr Marecki
A Postmodern Reading of Versatile Writing in Eugene O’Neill’s Mourning Become Electra
The present paper will offer a postmodern reading of interdisciplinarity by investigating the multifaceted writing and the coexistence between various disciplines in Eugene O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra (1931). Vers...
Obraz zaburzeń emocjonalnych w autonarracji K.R. Jamison / Picture od Emotional Disorders in the K.R. Jamison’s Self-narration
The aim of this work is to reconstruct the picture of emotional disorders as revealed in Jamison’s self-narration. The starting point was the question whether self-narration can be a source of information about the patte...
Gender in translation – as exemplified by Michał Witkowski’s Lubiewo translated into Spanish
This article attempts a closer look at the issue of grammatical gender in translation. The analysis of this concept is based on Michał Witkowski’s novel Lubiewo (Korporacja Ha!art, Kraków, 2005 [2006]) and its Spanish tr...
Wizualność jako dominanta reportażu literackiego. Wokół książki Długi film o miłości. Powrót na Broad Peak Jacka Hugo-Badera / Visibility as Dominant of Literary Reportage. Around the Book Długi film o miłości. Powrót na Broad Peak by Jacek Hugo-Bader
The purpose of this article is to discuss the role of visuality in contemporary literary reportage. In my analysis I focus on the book Długi film o miłości. Powrót na Broad Peak by Jacek Hugo-Bader, published in 2014. I...
Agnieszka Dauksza, Afektywny modernizm. Nowoczesna literatura polska w interpretacji relacyjnej, Wyd. IBL PAN, Warszawa 2017,ss. 416