Journal Title: Online Journal of Art and Design - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 4
Machinic Addiction is a virtual design machine, a rhizomatic wandering of web-based, interactive, animated pages. The baroque, hybrid blending of text and image, animation, gaming and 3D graphics serves as a vehicle for investigating philosophical questions and represents a shifting boundary of design today. Are we machines? Are we addicted to the repetitions that lie within a kind of cultural machine? Can life be reduced to code? Are our identities replaced by interfaces to others in a network? There are 4 interrelated parts, or processual machines, to the schema of Machinicaddiction: 111 (The Folding Machine), 101 (The Resonance Machine), 010 (The Stratification Machine), and 000 (The Smoothing Machine). These schemas are not necessarily sequential, but rather instances in a non-linear process of emergent selforganization. The quadrilateral system of related themes, icons and the visualizations (actualized in their many forms of expression) is a drift through the varied levels of an assemblage.
Authors and Affiliations
Jeff Brice| Cornish College of the Arts
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