Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Petronio Bendito| Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts, Purdue University pben...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Petronio Bendito| Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts, Purdue University pben...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Troy D. Abel| Eye-Tracking Usability Testing (E-TUT) Lab Institute for Creativity, Art, and Technolo...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Vladimir Cerić| MA – PHD student of Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade – Serbia
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Ümit İnatçı
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Deanna Ooley| University of North Texas, James Thurman| University of North Texas
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Zahari Hamidon, Kong Ho, Abdullah Mohd Noor
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: David Bennett Carren
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Silva Kalčić
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Diego González-Zúñiga| Center for Accessibility and Ambient Intelligence of Catalonia, Universitat A...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Abraham Tamir| Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, I...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: İsmail Hakkı Nakilcioğlu| Afyon Kocatepe University - Fine Arts Faculty Head of Communication Design...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Rutherford| (M.Phil M.Prof FHEA) Programme Leader – BA Advertising University of Chester rutherford@...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Jeffrey Haase| Associate Professor Department of Design The Ohio State University, USA haase.3@osu.e...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Jeff Brice| Cornish College of the Arts
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design
Authors: Algirdas Budrevicius| Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, Lithuania E-mail algirdas.budrev...
Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation