Macro Analysis of the Romanian Ecotourism
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2015, Vol 63, Issue 6
In this paper, the author presents the results obtained from the analysis of macro Romanian ecotourism study aiming fundamentally, highlighting a strategy to improve the quality of service to Romanian ecotourism. This research includes both ecotourism Romanian mission and its vision. In the research were analyzed: the geographical environment of Romania, traditional Romanian cultural environment, social environment, legal environment, technical and technological environment of a geographic area and economic environment of the Romanian ecotourism. Research methodology consisted in bibliographical sources consulted in electronic form, as well as in physical format.
Authors and Affiliations
Aspecte majore ale cuantificării statistice a inflaţiei actuale în acord cu veniturile brute ale populaţiei în România -Necesitatea unui ”indice general al inflaţiei” (IGI)
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