Magnetic damper for aircraft engine D436T
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 158
The article discusses the design of a magnetic damper to fix the problem the occurrence of resonance, leading to vibration of the shaft at high speeds. When creating engines of large bypass ratio and large rotor speeds are crucial questions speakers. The most effective means of reducing the level of vibrations and dynamic loads at the nodes of the motors is the use of damper supports. For the final determi- nation of the effectiveness of the type of damper selected and designed for this engine, it is necessary to perform experimental work. When fine-tuning the engine D-436T1 (special examination for the fan wheel) at 5900 rpm fan...6100 rpm had increased engine vibration at fre- quencies of the rotor due to resonance vibrations of the shaft of the fan. These oscillations were caused by the bending of the shaft of the fan and tapping it into stator and rotor parts of the compressor low pressure. A change in the design of the fan shaft to eliminate resonance was impossible. Domain service fan wheel and fan design coil spring / oil damper was not provided to prevent resonance. To solve the problem of design of a magnetic damper that allows you to change the technology of Assembly of the engine and provide its operation on all modes. The analysis of magnetic materials that can be used in the damper based on the design features and maximize the stiffness of the damper. Analyzed three systems: Sm-Co, Fe-Nd-B and Fe-Nd-C, from which we can conclude that magnetic characteristics of the most printlevel may be the system Fe-Nd-B. At the moment developed the design of the fan shaft with magnetic damper is at the stage of experimental work to determine the effect of magnetic field on the details that surround the damper in the first place, on the parts of the bearing and the efficien- cy of the damping
Authors and Affiliations
T. V. Gulyaeva, O. V. Tatarchuk, L. V. Gulyaeva
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