Magnetic Silencing of Naval Vessels Using Ridge Regression


To mask and conceal naval vessels are equipped with degaussing windings. With the development of degaussing technology, large number of degaussing coils are being adopted. In some of conventional methods for calibrating degaussing system If the prediction vectors are having similarity means multi-collinearity then the current values of individual coils will be too high which is difficult to implement on naval vessels. One of multiple regression methods, ridge regression gives optimum values of degaussing coil currents possible to implement it practically on warships and submarines. Taking some submarine model to apply proposed method and the optimized calibrating mathematical model and optimization results are given. Simulation results shows advantages of this algorithm over others, in terms of reduction of the vessels magnetic signature, and this method can be used to optimize parameters related to ship or submarine’s magnetic signature, so the ship or submarine degaussing system is tuned to an excellent state, and the ship or submarine’s magnetic silencing is done. Furthermore, this optimization algorithm has many advantages, such as less greedy, less calculation time etc.

Authors and Affiliations

Vishal Gonjari, Tushar Rakshe, Sunay Khadse


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Vishal Gonjari, Tushar Rakshe, Sunay Khadse (2017). Magnetic Silencing of Naval Vessels Using Ridge Regression. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(5), -.