Małżeństwo w kryzysie?
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2010, Vol 19, Issue 1
The crisis of marriage is the situation of the ongoing process of its dysfunction, with considerable intensity, leading to the disintegration of marriage. There are several groups of the crisis of marriage, depending on the reasons for its creation. The first group are the crises of marriage caused by the individual crises of spouses. The second group are the crises associated with the dynamic nature of marital relationships. The third group consists of the crises caused by the external relations of marriage. An important issue is to prevent the crisis of marriage. In situations of deep crisis, especially when disturbed is the personality of the spouses, therapeutic help is needed. Most, however need to deepen knowledge about the marriage. It must include knowledge of the correct concept of marriage, understand the mechanisms of its implementation and creating a supportive environment. The concept of marriage comes from a theological anthropology. The detailed mechanisms for its implementation are derived from empirical science. It’s important to choose those that are not inconsistent with the concept of marriage. Creating a supportive environment is always important. It is absolutely necessary if the cause of the crisis of marriage is its external relations.
Authors and Affiliations
Krystian Wojaczek
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