Management and outcome of iatrogenic globe perforation during peribulbar block at tertiary eye centre

Journal Title: Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3


Aim Needle perforations can present with various clinical manifestations management depends on the clinical presentation Our aim is to know the outcome in all cases of needle penetration with different clinical presentationStudy Design We have done retrospective study of block related globe perforation cases who presented to the vitreo retina Department at Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital We collected the data of these patients from the medical records who presented during January 2017 to December 2017Materials and Methods All patients who presented to our department underwent detailed ocular examination Apart from history BCVA slit lamp examination fundus examination and b scan in patients with hazy media due to vitreous haemorrhage doneResults Total 11 patients presented to our department patients with retinal breaks barrage laser done did not require any further procedure These patients had good outcome due to peripheral retinal break1Patients with retinal breaks and vitreous haemorrhage without retinal detachment also had good outcome 2 Patients with retinal detachment and delayed presentation had poor anatomical and visual outcome 3 Patients with pale retina and patients where retinal detachment RD associated with choroidal detachment CD had poor visual outcomeConclusion Iatrogenic ocular perforation is an ocular emergency need to be treated immediately to prevent blindnessKeywords CD Globe perforation Retinal break PVR RD VH

Authors and Affiliations

Aliya Sultana


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  • EP ID EP474252
  • DOI 10.18231/2395-1451.2018.0070
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How To Cite

Aliya Sultana (2018). Management and outcome of iatrogenic globe perforation during peribulbar block at tertiary eye centre. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 4(3), 313-316.