Management system improvement of the research centres by FMEA implementation


Тhe relevance of using FMEA in a research centre management is that it helps to actively manage risks and prevent them, which positively affects the whole functioning of the organization. Its regular use allows to improve the interaction between the departments and members of the organization and also deepens the understanding of the processes by staff. The purpose of the study is to design science and practical approaches for FMEA implementation in the management system of the research centres as a basic tool for risk management. Materials and methods: analysis, synthesis, empirical methods, logical method, generalization method of modeling. Results. An important step of this work was to determine advantages, disadvantages, conditions for successful implementation of FMEA method and possible errors in applying the method. Conclusions. During the study, a comprehensive analysis of FMEA applying features as a key tool for risk management in a research center (medical, laboratory, bioanalytics) was conducted. The scientific importance of the work consists that on the basis of conducted studies, developed proposals for the improvement of the innovation project to implement FMEA for the centres. The value of the research. The algorithm of realization of the project, which should increase the interest centres in the analysis, and also proposed other initiatives related to FMEA. It could be relevant for a wide range of centres (design sequence charts of the processes as a way of standardization and training in a cause-and-effect analysis).

Authors and Affiliations

Vita Vereshak, Viktoriia Dobrova, Olena Proskurnia


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  • EP ID EP436796
  • DOI 10.26661/2522-1566/2018-4/06-01
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How To Cite

Vita Vereshak, Viktoriia Dobrova, Olena Proskurnia (2018). Management system improvement of the research centres by FMEA implementation. Менеджмент та підприємництво: тренди розвитку, 4(6), 8-19.