
Розглянуто структуру Маріупольського грецького суду та зміни, які відбувалися впродовж часу його функціонування. Охарактеризовані основні сфери діяльності цієї установи, визначені напрямки відповідальності. Проаналізовані інформативні можливості матеріалів Маріупольського грецького суду щодо дослідження повсякденного життя грецької спільноти Приазов’я. Показано, що серед важливих проблем функціонування суду були: довгий розгляд справ, іноді безвідповідальне ставлення чиновників до своїх службових обов’язків, вплив заможних членів грецької громади на прийняття рішень на їх користь. The article examines the structure of Mariupol Greek court and the changes taking place in the course of its functioning. It was determined that there were six departments in the court: criminal, public, investigative, economic, orphan and police ones. The article gives the characteristics of the basic fields of activities of this institution: legal proceedings in public cases in which the Greeks were engaged; investigation and interrogation in criminal cases; police activity – secret watching, inquiries, apprehension and detention of criminals; customs supervision; execution of secret decrees of province administration – search of fugitive convicts, counterfeiters etc; economic cases supervision, drawing up reports as to economic development of the neighbourhood. According to the court decree every village had assigned police staff for order monitoring. Russian officials worked in the police. The stuff of the Greek court was comprised of a chief of the court, four assessors and a secretary. In the middle of the XIX century the stuff of the court included a chief of the court, three assessors, a secretary and heads of departments subordinate to him. As usual one of assessors was charged with the police responsibilities, the second – with investigation ones, the third – with financial duties. Except the secretary and the heads of departments court officials were elected by the Greek resettlers for the three-year term. For this purpose once in three years every Greek village sent to Mariupol city two commissioners who together with the city representatives elected a chief and three court members. The stuff of Mariupol Greek court was represented only by the ethnic Greeks. The informative potential of Mariupol Greek court materials in regard to examining Pryazovya Greek community everyday life was analysed in the article. The Greek court functioning problems were connected with the staff of the institution. Well-off Greeks often used financial and personal influence in resolving to their advantage. Besides, in everyday life Greeks quite often faced the problem of long legal investigation in the Greek court. The period from the document acceptance to case settling usually took much time. There were some occasions when Greeks wrote complaints to Novorosiya Governor-general against Mariupol Greek court because of long term of legal investigation or assessors’ abuse of their official position.

Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Arabadzhy


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Svitlana Arabadzhy (2016). МАРІУПОЛЬСЬКИЙ ГРЕЦЬКИЙ СУД: СФЕРИ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ТА ПРОБЛЕМИ ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(17), 9-15. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429485