Marketing of building services


The paper treats the problem of marketing in building services. The specific character of this type of marketing as well as two different approaches to marketing of building services are developed. The first approaches is the building service, here the product consists of services performed for the buyer thus the product is developed by the performer. The second approach deals with the performer's own products - buildings, construction that could be bought by somebody. The author notes as well the complexity of the building service and its characteristic features. The paper enumerates the difficulties connected with marketing implementation to the activities of building companies and the ways of overcoming these difficulties.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Belniak


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How To Cite

Stanisław Belniak (1999). Marketing of building services. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 2(2), 53-58.