Marketing orientation of scientific-research units as support for the process of commercialization of R&D results
Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2018, Vol 30, Issue 4
The market of R&D services formed as a result of social-economic transformation puts scientific-research units in the situation of companies from the service sector and consistently forces these entities to assume a marketing approach. New solutions and possibilities of using the achievements of marketing for the R&D sphere are sought after. One of such elements which have an impact on the growth of efficiency of the commercialization of the results of scientific-research works is the introduction of marketing orientation. The application of this orientation in scientific-research units contributes to building relations between science and business, leading to the transfer of knowledge to the economy. Appropriate implementation of marketing orientation for a scientific-research unit means on the one hand support for dissemination of information about its research-implementation and application works and on the other hand making potential entrepreneurs realize the profits they can get from the implementation of particular effects of R&D works. The goal of the article was highlighting the methods of implementation of marketing orientation in a scientific-research unit thanks to the application of defined hybrid and dedicated models, depending on the model of the instrument set within the concept of marketing-mix 4P. Their application contributes to the growth of chances for successful commercialization of the results of R&D works.
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Walasik
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