Marketing strategies of firms with domestic and foreign capital (comparative analysis)


The paper encompasses the comparative analysis of marketing strategies used by companies with domestic and foreign capital. A marketing strategy is understood as the ensemble of rules and activity methods that make a framework of market operating activities of a company. Taking into account a variety of elements of firm's closer environment four components have been distinguished: strategies shaping a market field, strategies influencing purchasers (or market stimulation and market division), strategies of competition and strategies influencing intermediaries. In general these research revealed that differences between marketing strategies used by the companies with domestic and foreign capital are of no importance from a statistical point of view. The differences in use of marketing strategies resolve themselves into three items. Firms with domestic capital rarely use mass marketing strategies and they much more frequently use differentiated marketing strategies. Companies with foreign capital preparing competition strategies more frequently use differentiation strategy and quite rarely strategy of "cost leadership".

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Rawski


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How To Cite

Marek Rawski (1999). Marketing strategies of firms with domestic and foreign capital (comparative analysis). Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 2(2), 179-191.