Massive inflammatory reaction following the removal of a ruptured silicone implant masking the invasive breast cancer – case report and literature review

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Surgery - Year 2016, Vol 88, Issue 1


This paper presents a case of a patient with invasive ductal breast cancer following breast augmentation. Following breast implants rupture in March 2013 the breast implants have been removed – histopathological examination revealed leaked silicone with inflammatory infiltration, without evidence of cancerous lesions. Diagnostic imaging revealed multiple encapsulated silicone particles and clusters of post-inflammatory macrocalcifications in both breasts. In January 2014 the patient presented with symptoms of massive inflammation of the left breast. Following surgical consultation the patient had undergone radical left-sided mastectomy with lymphadenectomy. Postoperative histopathological examination revealed a multifocal advanced invasive ductal cancer G3 pT3pN3a (vascular invasion, metastases in 11 of 12 examined axillary lymph nodes). Following surgery the patient was qualified for further treatment – chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy. The discussion includes a review of literature on the risk evaluation of co-occurrence of breast cancers in women with silicone breast implants and presents diagnostic challenges of breast cancer in this patient group.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Nowaczyk, Aleksandra Budnicka, Mateusz Wichtowski, Paweł Kurzawa, Dawid Murawa


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How To Cite

Piotr Nowaczyk, Aleksandra Budnicka, Mateusz Wichtowski, Paweł Kurzawa, Dawid Murawa (2016). Massive inflammatory reaction following the removal of a ruptured silicone implant masking the invasive breast cancer – case report and literature review. Polish Journal of Surgery, 88(1), 41-47.