Математическая модель тепловой работы ошлакованной футеровки стен конвертера при взаимодействии ее с расплавом в ходе кислородной продувки
Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF THE LINING OF THE CONVERTER’S WALLS, WHICH IS COVERED WITH SLAG, AT ITS INTERACTION WITH THE MELT DURING OXYGEN BLOWING Panteikov S.P., Panteikova E.S. The oxygen converter process (LD-process in European or BOP process in American terminology) have gained rapid and widespread due to its relative simplicity and high performance, therefore, at present, is the leading steel-making process in the world. Due to the fact that is now widely used technology the hot refractory repairs units by applying to it a protective slag skull, is important to study the thermal state of lining of the converter when the unit is operating as a covering slag of the lining, and without with the aim of studying the influence of various factors on the resistance of the slag skull and the refractory lining of the converters when they are covering slag. The purpose of this article is to describe the developed mathematical model with thermal state of the lining of the walls of the converter at its interaction with melt during the purge, taking into account the presence on the walls of the unit layer of frozen slag skull with simulation of its thickness and properties. The task of the article is to carry out with the help of this mathematical model numerical studies of the dependence of the temperature of the working surface of the lining of 250-ton converter at the end of the purge the thickness of the slag skull at different coefficients of thermal conductivity and its coefficient of thermal conductivity of slag skull in its various thicknesses. The specified mathematical model allowed us to determine the conditions for reducing the temperature gradient arising in the lining of the walls of the unit. With increasing thickness of the slag skull covering the lining of the walls of the converter, the temperature on the outer surface of the lining (i.e. on the border "slag skull"-"the lining") will decrease, which in turn will reduce the temperature gradient across the thickness of the lining of the walls of the unit. The decrease in conductivity nabryzgivanii slag will help to reduce the temperature of the working surface of the lining and, consequently, to reduce temperature gradient in the refractory material lining the walls of the converter. The data obtained can be used further for the calculation of thermal stresses in the refractory lining of the walls of the BOF with a view to their reduction, which will lead to a significant increase in the resistance of the lining. References [1] Strielov К.К. Tieorietichieskiie osnovy tiekhnologii ognieupornykh matierialov [Theoretical bases of technology of refractory materials].– M.: Мiеtаllurgiia, 1985.– 480 p. 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Authors and Affiliations
С. П. Пантейков, Е. С Пантейкова
Исследование процесса мойки металлосодержащих шламов
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