Розрахунок електричного поля на вулиці

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 2


CALCULATION OF ELECTRIC FIELD ON THE STREET Biliaiev M.М., Rusakova T.I. Abstract In cities of different countries, the use of public electricity remains widespread, along with the observed trends in the active introduction of electric vehicles. The prospect of the development of electric vehicles will increase the power of the electric field on the street. The heterogeneity of the distribution of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields is that in some areas, in streets or avenues their background varies from 5-7 times or more. The reasons for this are different relief terrain, multi-storey buildings, different power generating sources. People can fall into zones with different field strengths, so the mechanisms of adaptation must be activated. Obviously, such a regime is not natural for a person, and therefore dangerous. Due to the growth and heterogeneity of the electric field tension, techniques are needed that would allow to quickly predict the level of electric voltage near highways. It is very important that these techniques allow to carry out the forecast taking into account the objects located along the highways, as they lead to deformation of the equipotential lines of electric field strength, as well as themselves can be sources of electric field. This is a rather difficult task, since it is necessary to perform calculations in the field of complex geometric shapes. The purpose of the study is to develop a numerical method for calculating an electrostatic field in areas of complex geometric shape. In this paper we consider the calculation of an electrostatic field in the presence of an electric field source on the street. Based on the postulates adopted in electrostatics for the study of electrostatic fields, the Laplace equation for electric potential is used. For numerical integration, finite-difference methods are used: the method of total approximation, the Liebman method. The solution of the model problem is considered: two sources of the electric field are located within the road, and on the boundary of the roadway there is a screen and an employee's work area. When modeling takes into account the value of the electric field of the Earth. It is necessary to determine the intensity of the electric field in the working zone at a different height of the barrier. The upper source is a contact wire, the lower source is the electric motor. Examples are low and high screen versions that act as an insulator. An estimation of the influence of the height of the screen on the level of the electric field on the screen, where the work area of the worker is located. The paper presents the results of computer simulation, depicts the field of electric potential in cases of use of different height of the screen. It is clearly seen how the presence of the screen leads to deformation of the isolation of the electric field. The figure clearly identifies the location of sources of electric field – these are two sub-regions with a large gradient of electric potential, which has the form of a circle. Also calculated and graphically represented the value of the intensity of the electric field in the working area at different distances from the screen. It can be seen that the use of a high screen results in a decrease in the intensity of the electric field in the working area. References [1] Taflove, A. Computational Electromagnetics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Artech House, Boston. – 1995. – pp. 149–161. [2] Momani, S., Abuasad S. Application of He's Variational Iteration Method to Helmholtz Equation. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. – 2005. – Vol. 27. – pp. 1119–1123. [3] Konig, M., Bush, K. 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Authors and Affiliations

М. М. Біляєв, Т. І. Русакова


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  • EP ID EP444507
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.2(39)2018.154205
  • Views 87
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How To Cite

М. М. Біляєв, Т. І. Русакова (2018). Розрахунок електричного поля на вулиці. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 37-45. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-444507