Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


THE MAIN APPROACHES TO OPTIMIZING THE MASSES OF MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS’ GEARS Romaniuk O.D. Abstract The problem of stabilizing the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of a machine unit in the steady-state motion regime is usually realized by increasing the reduced moment of inertia. To do this, will be used the additional masses, the flywheels, which, unfortunately, increase the acceleration time and the mass of the machine. Elimination of the corresponding disadvantages of additional masses can be realized by changing the approach to the design of mechanical transmissions’ gears. In this work was made a deep analysis of the dependence of the main geometric parameters of the mechanical transmission. It was made with the aim of influencing the optimization process at the stage of preliminary design of the mass of the gear wheel, which corresponds to the flywheel moment of the flywheel. The corresponding analysis was conducted according to the equations for determining the mass of the gears, taking into account their basic geometric parameters. As a result, were obtained the graphical dependences of the gear wheel mass on the mass ratio. These dependencies make it possible to optimize the main geometric parameters of the gears at the preliminary design stage. Accordingly, it is possible to reach the necessary value of their mass, the moment of inertia of which would correspond to the flywheel moment of the flywheel in the machine's executive body. The use of the proposed approach in the design will allow to select the corresponding masses of gears, the moments of inertia of which correspond to the flywheel moment of the flywheel, which is necessary for stabilization of the dynamic characteristics of the machine's executive body. Considering the fact that the rotational mass of the mechanical transmission in the drive circuit consists not only from the gear wheel, but from the mass of the shaft and bearings, further research can be aimed at expanding the mathematical model. The purposefulness of further research is due to the fact that the mass of the shaft and bearings in the gears that transmit significant torque is almost equal to the mass of the gear wheel. References [1] Gemintern V.N., Kogan B.M. Metody optimal'nogo proektirovanija.[Methods of optimal design] Moscow, 1980. 160 p. [2] Sobol I.M., Statnikov R.B. Vybor optimal'nyh parametrov v zadachah so mnogimi kriterijami [Choosing the optimal parameters in problems with many criteria] Moscow, 2006. 175 p. [3] J. Genta. Nakopiteli kineticheskoj energii. Teorija i praktika sovremennyh mahovichnyh system [Aggregators kinetic energy here. Theory and practice of advanced flywheel systems] Moscow, 1988. 430 p. [4] Romaniuk A.D. 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Authors and Affiliations

О. Д. Романюк


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  • EP ID EP297119
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.1(38)2018.129038
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How To Cite

О. Д. Романюк (2018). ОСНОВНІ ПІДХОДИ ОПТИМІЗАЦІЇ МАС ЗУБЧАСТИХ КОЛІС МЕХАНІЧНОЇ ПЕРЕДАЧІ. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 118-123. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-297119