Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


APPLICATION OF METHODS OF MATHEMATICAL DESIGN AT DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITIONS OF REACTIONARY MIXTURES FOR CAUSING OF MULTICOMPONENT SHS-COATINGS Sereda B.P., Palekhova I.V., Kruglyak I.V. Abstract In order to improve the reliability of equipment, reduce the cost of its maintenance, increase the service life, titanium-based coatings are widely used. Since in difficult operating conditions one-component titanium coatings are not able to provide the necessary working properties of products, it is advisable to saturate the metal surface with several elements. Joint saturation of Ti and Si steels allows not only to increase the hardness of the surface layer, heat resistance and corrosion resistance of products, but also to increase the thickness of applied coatings and accelerate the process of their formation. Since most traditional methods of chemical heat treatment are characterized by high energy costs and process durations, the authors considered a resource-efficient technology of chemical-thermal treatment of steels in conditions of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). The purpose of this work was the development of powdered SHS-mixtures for the deposition of multicomponent coatings on the basis of titanium in the regime of thermal autoignition, the study of the physicochemical processes of coating formation, the determination of the optimum technological parameters of the SHS process with complex saturation, the study of their influence on the kinetics of layer growth and the evaluation their quality. The gas-transported SHS-technology of obtaining multicomponent titanium coatings in the regime of thermal self-ignition on iron-carbon alloys is considered. The regularities and mechanisms of their formation are investigated. The dependence of coating thickness on technological process parameters (temperature and duration of isothermal aging) was established experimentally. In order to analyze the formation of complex coatings based on titanium under SHS conditions, the equilibrium state of the reaction products in multicomponent powder systems was calculated. The proposed kinetic scheme of chemical transformations is proposed. Kinetic and thermophysical regularities of coating growth are established. Using the methods of mathematical modeling, the authors developed compositions of SHS-charges for obtaining multicomponent titanium coatings on carbon steels. Data are obtained on the effect of the thermophysical characteristics of SHS-charges on the structure, strength and porosity of the coatings. Titanosilated materials with SHS-coatings have improved performance characteristics in comparison with diffusion analogues. References [1] Himiko-termicheskaja obrabotka metallov i splavov: Spravochnik / pod red. 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Authors and Affiliations

B. P. Sereda, I. V. Palekhova


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  • EP ID EP294921
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.1(38)2018.129029
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